Apply to Speak

Creator Economy East Live 2025

AUGUST 6 2025   |   New York Marriott Marquis

At Creator Economy Live East, we aren’t looking for professional speakers.

We're looking for influencer marketers who can teach.

The folks that make it to the stage bring tested and proven strategies.

Previous Speakers Included 

Lilly Briger
Lilly Briger
Sr Lead, Influencer Marketing - Barbie & Dolls
Lindsay Alesso
Lindsay Alesso
Director, CJ Influence
Tiana James
Tiana James
Director, PR & Partnerships
Victoria's Secret PINK
Allie Fernando
Allie Fernando
Director of Community and Partnerships
Jonathan Claydon
Jonathan Claydon
Chief Development Officer
Acceleration Partners
Ali Miller
Ali Miller
Director, Global Influencer Marketing
Jason Nichols
Jason Nichols
Global Client Lead & Creator Marketing Strategist
Zaria Parvez
Zaria Parvez
Senior Social Media Manager
Emma Jennings
Emma Jennings
Group Content Director, Creative Works
Michael Ramirez
Michael Ramirez
Director, Global PR
Disney Experiences
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Speaker application tips: 


CREATORECONOMYLIVE ICON 2 Ensure your talk/session is highly strategic and provides insights based on real-life examples.

CREATORECONOMYLIVE ICON 2 Ensure your talk/session covers key challenge influencer marketers are facing in 2025.

CREATORECONOMYLIVE ICON 2 Do not apply with a talk/session you have given elsewhere, only original content accepted.

CREATORECONOMYLIVE ICON 2 List 3 - 5 big lessons or action items that attendees will take away from your session. 

CREATORECONOMYLIVE ICON 2 Write your title and description like it's the final agenda announcement.

CREATORECONOMYLIVE ICON 2 Speak to and inspire the exact audience.

Tag every session idea with one or more of our content tracks below:
Content Tracks
  • Measurement and ROI
  • Creator Relations  
  • Navigating Social Platforms
  • Content Strategy
  • Future Tools & Trends

Contact Details 

First Name *
Email *
Company Name *
Country *
Last Name *
Job Title *
Company Website *
State/County/Province *
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Short Bio *
LinkedIn *
Twitter Handle

Nominated Speaker Details (if not yourself)

Nominated Speaker Name
Nominated Speaker Job Title
Nominated Speaker Details

Session Details

Please select the track you are applying to speak on*
Measurement and ROI
Creator Relations
Navigating Social Platforms
Content Strategy
Future Tools & Trends
Session Title *
Description for your #1 favourite session idea *
What are 3 - 5 big lessons / action items attendees will take away from your session? *
Session Format*
Solo Presentation
Fireside Chat 
Other - Please Specify

I confirm that I have read and accept the Privacy Policy and that the contact information I have given is for the purpose of business communications